Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Good Reading Habits

During our reading mini-lessons this week, students are learning the habits of good readers. We are practicing choosing "just right" books, looking at the first few pages and thinking what the book might be about....and then reading to check our predictions. We are also focusing on thinking and talking about the story before moving on to the next book....maybe retelling the story, going back to our favorite parts or simply re-reading the whole story! I have been so impressed by their reading stamina!!

Math Time

We have been using Popsicle sticks to build tally marks and count by 5's.

A fun card game to help us practice writing our numbers!

FIre Prevention Day

We had a great visit from our wonderful Shelburne Volunteer Firefighters today. The class learned a lot about fire safety at home, how to stop-drop-and-roll, and how to stay below the smoke in the "smoke house". Everyone is encouraged to check the batteries in their smoke detectors, decide on an outdoor family meeting place and teach your child their home address.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Highlights of Week #2

Ask your child to tell you how popsicles helped us count by 2's in math class.

Quiet Reading Time: We are building stamina to sustain independent reading time. Our first goal was 7 minutes...and we made it to 10!

Artwork inspired by, The Day the Crayons Quit, by Drew Daywalt.

Creating our team KALEIDOSCOPE banner with watercolors and painters tape!

Mr. D. (Our new behavior specialist) visited our class to discuss our cafeteria behavior expectations. He also brought along a cool mat that he keeps in his office (called the Green Zone). 

Choice time fun!

All About Me

We have learned so much about each other this week while sharing our "Me" bags.

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Our First Week Together

We went on a scavenger hunt in the classroom to get familiar with our new space!

We made name puzzles....

The Kissing Hand, by Audrey Penn, sparked a creative art project. The finished product will soon be on display in our kiva.

One of my favorite books, Elmer, by David McKee helped us learn a valuable lesson about celebrating our differences!

Choice time was a huge hit!!

We drew pictures of our families...

Popsicles parties are always a great way to end the day!