Sunday, August 30, 2015

The Turn-Around, Upside-Down Alphabet Book

Ask your child to tell you about the class book we made....a traditional ABC book with a "twist". Once it is ready, we will send it home for each family to enjoy.

Choice Time

It's wonderful to see old friends reconnecting and having so much fun!

Number Posters

In math, students searched the classroom for hidden numbers. Once they discover their number, they created a colorful poster on which they represented that number in as many ways possible. They used words, pictures, tally marks, equations and more.

Then we arranged ourselves into a human number line!

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Popsicle Party

Mmmm!  Popsicles with our Kaleidoscope teammates at the end of the first day of 2nd grade!


We had so much fun getting crafty.  We made puppets of ourselves using many different materials.    The puppets will be used when information from our summer interviews are shared (please see summer memories post).

Summer Memories Interview

What did we do this summer?  We wanted to learn about the fun activities that we all did.  So we found a partner to interview about their summer memories by matching up opposite words.  Then we got to work asking our partners about their summers and recording the information.  Soon we will share our partner's responses.